The 12th Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (COOL’09) hosted by Institute of Modern Physics(IMP), CAS took place in Lanzhou on August 31st, 2009, with over 80 beam cooling experts from France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, U.S.A., Taiwan region of China attending the meeting.
The workshop received altogether 45 contributions, 12 of which are posters. These reports highlighted the latest progresses in the physics and engineering of beam cooling systems and related techniques, including electron, stochastic, laser and ionization cooling. The large scale scientific projects under construction, such as the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), and the plans of each laboratory, as well as the proposed large scale scientific facilities, such as the international Muon ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE), were also presented in these reports. The experts discussed about the new application of the cooling techniques, as well as the status of the current cooling facilities, and provided suggestions for improvement, which will push forward the research in this field. The participants of COOL’09 also visited the Cooling Storage Ring at Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL-CSR), which impressed them deeply.
The workshop has facilitated exchange of beam cooling theories and techniques and extended the international impact of IMP. Meanwhile, favorable international cooperation and relationship have been established through the workshop, which lays the groundwork for the future development on stochastic and laser cooling at IMP.
