Profs T. Kishimoto and T. Ogawa from Osaka University in Japan visited the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), CAS on April 20, 2010.
Prof. T. Kishimoto is the director of Research Center for Nuclear Physics at Osaka University. Prof. T. Ogawa is the vice director of Photon Pioneers Center at Osaka University.
The two Japanese professors visited IMP for the selection of the candidates to a primer course of experimental physics, the Advanced Technology Training Program in Osaka University, to be held at Osaka University in July 2010. The program, which is sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Osaka University , aims at providing a chance for young graduate students to study experimental physics in Osaka University for one month and promoting future international collaboration of Osaka University.
Prof. Ogawa gave a brief introduction of Osaka University and Physics Department at Osaka University. Prof. Kishimoto introduced the nuclear and particle research activities at Osaka University. After the presentations, the two professors interviewed the applicants to the program and the selection work was done in an efficient way.
