RIKEN scientist Dr. Yoshimoto UWAMINO from Japan paid a visit to Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), CAS from Oct. 19 to 21, 2010. Dr. UWAMINO is the director of Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science Safety Management Group and a Task Group Member of Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG).
The Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science possesses a big accelerator facility, which consists of a heavy-ion linear accelerator and 5 cyclotrons that are the most complicated cyclotron system in the world. Heavy ions can be accelerated to about 350MeV/u, thus the problems related to radiation safety and protection are very important. As the only country that had been attacked by atom bombs and suffer the subsequent disaster, Japan has the most severe laws for nuclear and radiation safety, its management model and experience in radiation safety can be used for reference to us in China.
During his stay in IMP, Dr. UWAMINO made presentation entitled “Radiation Safety Regulation in Japan and RIKEN RI Beam Factory”. The issues related to radiation safety regulation, shielding design, and radiation safety were discussed with the Radiation Safety and Protection Group of IMP.
The groups at both sides agreed to keep close contact and establish a good relationship with each other, which will start the international cooperation in the radiation protection area in IMP.
