Prof. Alexandre Alexakis
Prof. Alexandre Alexakis from the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland, visited the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences from July 28 to July 29.
During his visit, he gave a report entitled Formation of chiral quaternary centers through Cu and Rh-catalyzed conjugate addition, which introduced in detail his group’s progress in Cu and Rh-catalyzed synthesis of chiral quaternary carbon in recent years.
Prof. Alexakis received his doctoral degree from Paris VI University in 1975. Then he did post doctoral research at Prof. G. H. Posner’s research group in Johns Hopkins University, USA. In 1977 he joined Paris VI University and in 1998 he joined University of Geneva. He now works at the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Geneva. He has made remarkable achievements in catalysis of chiral metal complexes, catalysis of organic small molecules, design of new chiral ligands and new reactions. He has more than 290 publications and patents.
Prof. Alexakis was invited by the State Key Laboratory for Oxo Synthesis and Selective Oxidation of the LICP.