The RIKEN delegation headed by Dr. Hiromichi Kamitsubo, the RIKEN research advisor, visited IMP on November 13-15.
Dr. Kamitsubo has made outstanding contributions to the international cooperation between RIKEN and IMP in the fields of heavy ion physics and accelerator physics. Prof. Dr. Guoqing Xiao presented the International Cooperation in Science & Technology award to Dr Kamitsubo, which is for recognition of his outstanding contributions.
The delegation visited HIRFL-CSR, ECR ion source lab, and heavy ion cancer therapy terminal. The history of scientific cooperation between RIKEN and IMP was reviewed and Dr. Kamitsubo expressed his appreciation for the achievements IMP had made and showed his expectation for the future collaboration between the two institutes. Possible scientific collaboration in the research fields of mutual interests in future was intensively discussed.
The cooperation between RIKEN and IMP started in 1979, the fields of cooperation have been extended to accelerator physics, heavy ion physics, theoretical physics, and applied physics.