The delegation from Nuclear Physics Institute/Orsay in France (IPN-Orsay), headed by director F. Azaiez, visited the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMP) from 19th to 21st November, 2012 .
Professor Guoqing Xiao, the Director of IMP, extended a warm welcome to the delegation and gave a comprehensive overview of IMP. The experts from both sides briefly introduced their recent research work and progresses in the fields of the nuclear physics, atomic physics, material sciences and accelerator physics. The details of international scientific collaboration were discussed, and the two institutes reached a consensus on collaboration plans, such as personnel exchange and holding joint seminars.
Early this year, the IMP delegation headed by Director Guoqing Xiao, visited the IPN-Orsay and signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IMP and IPN-Orsay . Both sides agreed to strengthen their collaborations.
Prof. Hongwei Zhao, Vice Director of IMP, gave a guided tour to HIRFL-CSR, ECR ion source, heavy ion cancer therapy terminal etc. The delegation also visited Lanzhou Kejin Taiji company, Ltd.

Fig.1 the French exports visiting the HIRFL-CSR