The 8th Asian Forum for accelerators and detectors (AFAD2017) was held in Lanzhou on Jan. 16-18, 2017.
Hosted by the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMP), the conference attracted more than 180 scientists from about Japan, Korea, India, Europe and China (including Taiwan). Eight plenary talks, more than 100 session reports and seven summary reports were arranged.
Doctor Hongwei Zhao, the deputy-director of IMP, made an opening address to introduce the IMP facilities and future plans. Eight plenary talks introduced the Asian large-scale accelerator facilities, such as FEL, CEPC, ILC, HIAF, ADS and RAON.
There were seven sessions on different topics, including Accelerator & its related technologies for photon science , Detector technology development , Accelerator technologies for industrial & medical applications, Innovative accelerator techniques , Accelerator & its related technologies for Hadron (Neutron) science, Network & Computing and Cryogenics, Cryomodule and Superconducting Technology for Accelerator.
After conference, the participants visited the HIRFL and ADS facility.
The next AFAD will be held in Korea in 2018.

Opening Address by hongwei zhao

Conference site