The RFQ design review on the proton accelerator for Chinese ADS project was held at Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMP), on September 22, 2011. The review committee consists of 15 experts from FNAL, ANL,MSU in USA, CEA-Saclay in France, IAP-Frankfurt University in Germany and J-PAC project, RIKEN in Japan, Peking University, Institute of High Energy Physics, and IMP.
Committee members were presented the project charge and progress by Dr. HE Yuan, the IMP leading manager of China ADS project (C-ADS); RFQ physical design and electromagnetic structure design by Dr. LI Derun of LBNL laboratory U.S.A; Mechanical design and analysis by Dr. Steve Virostek; RFQ processing test program by Matthew Hoff, as well as the completed designs on the dynamic, electromagnetic, structural, thermal and stress analysis, processing and testing plan for the Injector II.
Concerning the dynamics, electromagnetic and structural design, the committee members seriously reviewed and discussed the details of U.S. LBNL design and came up many comments and approved the LBNL design. They pointed out the LBNL design has achieved IMP requirements for C-ADS Injector II and made a number of suggestions to optimize the RFQ performance.
Prof. ZHAO Hongwei, the deputy Director of IMP, concluded this review was a pragmatic and efficient meeting and achieved its goals. Prof. ZHAO also sincerely thanked the review committee members for their hard works, especially the LBNL staff’s efforts. He hoped the IMP RFQ designers could seriously take the experts’ advice to improve the design.
Prof. Horst Klein of IAP-Frankfurt presided over the meeting. Prof. XIAO Guoqing, the director of IMP, attended the meeting. Director XIAO warmly welcomed and thanked all the experts for attending the review meeting and briefly presented the progress achieved at IMP.