West High and cooperation in the post-doctoral scholars, Zhao Kai Zhao Xin-Quan Fellow mentor to a recent study results show that the formation of the same domain model in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic species of highly specialized Schizothorax fish are likely to have occurred between species. Phylogeography based on mitochondrial markers analysis showed that the plateau characteristic of a glacial lake Oblique naked carp (Gymnocypris ecklonie scoliostomu) is fully equipped with the species in the same domain under the conditions of origin criteria. Study concluded Oblique naked carp is likely originated from the same domain are located in Johnson Lake piebald wood measures naked carp (G. e. eckloni) populations, the main divergence time occurred at about 0.057 million years.
Phylogenetic and population genetic analysis shows that in piebald naked carp species, among all geographic populations, Johnson Lake wood measures piebald naked carp populations with the same domain distribution Oblique naked carp individuals to maintain a recent genetic relationship, implying that they have a recent common ancestor, a result that is taking place to test the formation mechanism of sympatric species provides an ideal model. Oblique naked carp showed lower than the piebald naked carp genetic diversity, and more recently the expansion of time to be detected in the new origin of Oblique naked carp populations. We believe that the Oblique naked carp is likely originated from the same domain is currently distributed in the Johnson Lake piebald wood measures naked carp populations, rather than the usual assumption that this assemblage there was a broad geographical distribution, and later in other areas being wiped out. Because of their unique ecological nature of Oblique naked carp and Morrison piebald naked carp lake wood measures through natural selection has promoted sympatric populations under the conditions of their differences. The study is long-standing controversy in evolutionary biology sympatric speciation theory provides a new evidence of molecular ecology, research papers have been published in renowned international ecology journal "Molecular Ecology" on.
