N-rich carbon films can be ultrafastly prepared by a liquid-phase electrochemical deposition technique, reported the researchers of the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), CAS.
Researchers first synthesized C60[(NH2)2CNCN]5 and then fabricated amorphous carbon nitride films by electrochemical decomposition C60[(NH2)2CNCN]5 and subsequent reconstructed process. The deposition process is simple and easily operated. Moreover, the voltage is less than 600V and the deposition time can be shortened to a few seconds to obtain the films with thickness of several hundred nanometers. The decrease of voltage and ultrashort deposition time can effectively save time and tremendously increase the deposition efficiency.
The advantages mentioned above, namely the lower deposition voltage and ultrashort deposition time, may facilitate the further development of the liquid-phase electrochemical deposition technique. Moreover, the as-obtained N-rich carbon films possess distinct photoluminescence. Combing with the excellent properties of carbon films, it could be developed as a potential candidate material in photoelectric devices in the future.
The detailed report of the work was published in the recent issue of Electrochemical Communications (Electrochemical Communications 12 (3): 390-393).

The relations between the thickness, the deposition time and concentration of C60[(NH2)2CNCN]5 derivative |