Recently the Cooling Storage Ring of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL-CSR) at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, has reached a new milestone with acceleration of the heaviest naturally-exist Uranium to 23.8 GeV for the first time.
This achievement has demonstrated once again the HIRFL-CSR capability of accelerating the lightest to the heaviest naturally-exist ions and will provide great variety of opportunities for nuclear science research in China.
The 238U32+ ions, produced with the IMP superconducting ECR ion source, SECRAL, were accelerated to 0.3 GeV by the HIRFL-SFC cyclotron and injected into the CSRm to reach energy of 23.8 GeV through multi-turn injection, electron cooling and accumulation.
Fig.1 shows the 238U32+ beam current measured by the DCCT in the main ring of CSR (CSRm). HIRFL-CSR is a new heavy ion cooler-storage ring synchrotron system in Lanzhou, China. It consists of a main ring (CSRm) and an experimental ring (CSRe) with multi-usages and multi-functions (see Fig.2).

Fig.1: The 238U32+ beam current measured by the DCCT of the CSRm (Image by IMP)

Fig.2: The layout of HIRFL-CSR (Image by IMP)