Fusion reactions between heavy ions have been a subject of great interest in recent decades. More recently, great theoretical and experimental efforts have been devoted to the investigation of the behavior of fusion of weakly bound nuclei, both stable and radioactive. Particularly important in this field is the investigation of the effect of the breakup and neutron transfer of the weakly bound nuclei on the fusion cross sections. Some comprehensive reviews of this fascinating subject were published some years ago. However, this subject is not yet fully understood.
Researchers in Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IMP) succeeded in investigating the effect of the breakup and one-neutron transfer on the fusion cross sections in the weakly bound 9 Be+186W system.
In this work, researchers have measured the complete fusion, incomplete fusion, and the one-neutron stripping reactions for the 9Be+186W system, at energies not too much above the Coulomb barrier. The experiment was performed at the HI-13 Tandem Accelerator of the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Beijing. The online and offline gamma ray spectroscopy methods were used for the derivation of the cross sections.
Researchers observed a large value of one-neutron stripping cross section. They compared the data with coupled-channel calculations which do not take into account the breakup and transfer channels, using a double-folding interaction potential as the bare potential. The results for complete fusion show the usual suppression found in other similar systems at this energy regime. However, the unexpected result of suppression of the total fusion was obtained, not reported before for stable weakly bound nuclei. This suppression vanishes when the measured one-neutron stripping cross section is added to the total fusion cross section.
As several systems induced by 9Be reactions in the literature did not measure the one-neutron stripping cross sections, it would be interesting to extend such studies with new data.
The result has been published in Physical Review C 87, 024604 (2013).
The article can be linked as follows:http://prc.aps.org/abstract/PRC/v87/i2/e024604

Fig.1 Renormalized experimental fusion function for complete fusion plotted against x=(Ec.m.-VB)/hω. The full curve is the universal fusion function (UFF). (Image by IMP)

Fig.2 Renormalized experimental fusion and transfer functions for total fusion and one-neutron and two-proton stripping plotted against x=(Ec.m.-VB)/hω. The full curve is the universal fusion function (UFF). (Image by IMP)