The study of hadron resonance is one of the most important issues in hadronic physics. For those nucleon resonances around or above 2.0 GeV, the present knowledge on them is still in its infancy. Moreover there are still many theoretical predictions of “missing N states”, which have not so far been observed. So, studying these states around or above 2.0 GeV, not only on experimental side but also on theoretical side, is interesting and needed.
Researchers in Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences (IMP) investigated the Role of the N*(2080) in pp->pK+L(1520) and p-p->K0L(1520) reactions and obtained some interesting results.
Using the effective Lagrangian method, the L(1520) hadronic production in the pp->pK+L(1520) and p-p->K0 L(1520) reactions was investigated. For p-p->K0L(1520) reaction, in addition to the "background" contributions from t-channel K* exchange, u-channel S+ exchange, and s-channel nucleon pole terms, the contribution from the nucleon resonance N*(2080) (spin-parity JP = 3/2-), which had significant coupling to KL(1520) channel was also considered in the research. It was shown that the inclusion of the N*(2080) leaded to a fairly good description of the low energy experimental total cross section data of p-p->K0L(1520) reaction. From fitting to the experimental data, the N*(2080)Np coupling constant gN(2080)Np=0.14±0.04 was gotten.
Therefore, by using this value and with the assumption that the excitation of N*(2080) was due to the p0-meson exchanges, the total and differential cross sections of pp->pK+L(1520) reaction were calculated. It was also demonstrated that the invariant mass distribution and the Dalitz Plot provide direct information of the L(1520) production, which can be tested by future experiments.
These theoretical results which showed more information of N*(2080) resonance can be tested by future experiments.
The related results have been published in Phys. Rev. C87, 045210 (2013).

Fig.1 Total cross sections of p-p->K0L(1520) reaction.(Image by IMP)