The researchers of Nuclear Theory Group at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMP) have investigated the meson loop contributions to the ϒ(5S) decay and obtained some interesting results. The researchers estimated the effects of meson loop on the ϒ(5S) decay behaviors with an effective Lagrangian approach based on heavy quark limit and chiral symmetry. The decay widths of ϒ(5S) →ωχbJ (J=0,1,2) are evaluated and the results are in good agreement with the recent experimental measurements from Belle Collaboration. The decay behaviors of the heavy quarkonim are essential to understand the non-perturbative property of QCD. Meson loop mechanism, as one non-perturbative QCD mechanism, plays an important role in the investigations of heavy quarkonium decays. The related articles have been published inPhys. Rev. D90, 034019 (2014). 
Fig.1 The meson loop contributions to ϒ(5S) →ωχbJ (J=0,1,2) decay.(Image by IMP) |